Welcome to my multimodal space
Multimodality understood as equal participation of semiotic resources in the meaning-making process, whereby language is one of the modes and not necessarily a dominant one (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2001), has a potential to impact the educational landscape by reconceptualising the notions of writing, reading, literacy and learning. This study looks into a possibility of such a shift in an academic environment by investigating post-graduate students’ behaviours and perceptions of being engaged in the creation of a multimodal assignment. Through a thematic analysis of students’ logs recording their ‘creative crisis’ at crucial moments of implementing the project as well as post-task interviews plus combined with a visual analysis of the multimodal assignments, the study looks into the processes of reflection, problem-solving and decision-making on part of the study participants to see whether, from their perspective, multimodal pedagogic tasks can help students engage deeper in the process of academic discourse construction.
The above is the proposed abstract of my dissertation project: Multimodality - Destruction or Deconstruction of Academic Discourse? Students' Perspective. Things might change on the way as my research journey has just begun. This space is to document it - feel free to join me on this quest ... *the header pic: 'interaction' by farboart